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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Wednesday update 7:30pm

Hello once again.

I just talked to Joe's Mom and wanted to give everyone the update:

- The doctors drained the fluid this afternoon and there was enough of it to warrant continuing to do so overnight.
+ He had been having a difficult time breathing which has gotten better since the procedure so that's great news.
- He remains in the ICU and the doctors will reassess the situation tomorrow to give him a more solid understanding of how long he'll stay.
+ He's just ordered a large pizza and garlic cheese bread to his ICU bed so his appetite is finally coming back!

Although I can't call him, I did acquire the fax number for his ICU unit (216-445-5720) and am keeping him updated with all of your blog comments. Keep 'em coming!

Max and I are doing fine...trying to stay dry in this terrible weather we're having...and anxiously awaiting Daddy's return.

More to come tomorrow~



Mary said...

Joe, Allison & Max
You guys are a special family. Your strength to share your experience with all of us is incredible. Your audio posts are amazing. I was talking to Melissa today about your little speed bump, she said “don’t worry Mom Joe is like Superman!” She’s right! You are all in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

We continue to think of you and pray for you and Joe everyday! You are one of the strongest people I know and I'm sure you will be able to support Joe from wherever you are!! Best wishes for a speedy recovery..hopefully the pizza will help!!
Chris Johnson

Anonymous said...

We are all following an amazing recovery.

Keep up the great spirits everyone. The POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE makes a huge difference.

Way to go Joe!

Jamie and family

Anonymous said...


I am very proud of you and am impressed with the speed of your recovery so far. You are a special guy and, obviously, have a very special family.

As Muhammad Ali once said..."Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion."

Karen, Ryan, Anna Rose (arrived on 10/8!) and I pray for you every night.

God bless you and your family and get your butt out of that ICU and back to Connecticut soon!!!

Mike S.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, nothin' like a little open heart and some garlic cheese bread!

You go Joe!