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Friday, October 14, 2005

Readmitted to the hospital Friday evening...

Joe was unfortunately readmitted to the hospital this evening (details are on his audioblog, below). Luckily he's in his own room and not in ICU so that's the good news (he'd love to hear from you so give him a buzz at 216-444-1490) . Bad news is that he'll need to stick around for another 3-5 days for observation. Max and I are flying back early Saturday morning to be with him.

Thanks for continuing to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. It helps more than you'll ever know.



Anonymous said...

Hi's AE! I am so proud of myself--I just figured out how to respond to your entries. Cool! ...(wow, I need to get out more) I'd not heard about the speedbumps -- but had talked to Al earlier this week just before the echo...Joe--I know this must be so frustrating...but hang in there!! You are in such good hands and you will get thru this "curve" in the road. Think of that little guy's drooling smile waiting for you on the other end and stay strong.
Much love--AE & Gang

Anonymous said...

p.s. and when I say good hands...I mean Al's!! Strength and good wishes to your parents, too. This must be so hard on them also. You are ALL amazingly strong.

Anonymous said...

Just listened to the audio. Keep the faith. Triglicerides are just a fancy word for three glicerides.
It's probably just the food.

Anonymous said...

i finaly found out how to us ur blog since the first day u put it up how do i keep the same blog i keep loosing it write me back at if u ar up to it joe.tell max @ alison i said hi see u soon.

Anonymous said...


Hang in there buddy and stay strong.

You da man,

Mike S.

p.s. Wanted to let you know...State of the Heart has replaced e-mail, weather, cnn and everything else as the first thing I am checking online in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Dear Joe --

We are anxiously awaiting your return to the neighborhood. Checking the blog every day so that I can get my special chicken soup on the stove as soon as I know you've boarded the plane!

And as I read the blog, I hope you have included becoming a professionally published writer on your list of life time goals -- is there a novel or two in your future? I've really enjoyed your fluid, compelling, humorous yet heart wrenching writing style. Well done!

And finally -- could you stop making fluid around your heart, you over-achiever!

Your friends & neighbors, Natasha and the boys