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Sunday, October 23, 2005

These are the Days of our lives in General Hospital.

Met with two different doctors today and things are looking positive though I won't allow myself to jump ahead at all in the process. Turns out my triglicerides number in the fluid needs to be below 100 and is currently at 67. Three times a day a nurse comes in and collects the fluid from each of the containers labeled "1" and "2" respectively. So if the trend continues and the echocardiogram shows no further accumulation of fluids then tomorrow they will remove the tubes from my chest. They are actually in my stomach area just below the center of my rib cage which makes using my abs more than uncomfortable. I envision the scene at the end of Braveheart when William Wallace is finally captured. William Wallace woulnd't flinch at this though. And what will get me through it is that it should be the last painful thing to manage before I get the hell out of dodge.

I've been here nearly 3 weeks have had 2 showers 3 decent meals, many laughs and smiles from Max, innumerable hugs and kisses from family, countless heartfelt calls, made the bed 0 times, made no meals, feel as frail as an 80 year old, cursed out "kids" twice, thought about Maggie the super bull dog 53 times, took out the trash 0 times, read the comments on this blog 81 times, have watched 105 hours of television (30 minutes of which included Oprah), shaved 0 times and have said, "I can't believe how much grey I have in my beard" 12 times.

So that's just a sampling...when I'm feeling more industrious I'll give you more details, but despite football being on the tube today I am behind my tv quota and therefore need to go.

Hope to have good news for you all tomorrow.


~15 days post-op


Anonymous said...

You are our Guiding Light.
You’ve got One (very long) Life to Live.
You are clearly Bold and the (soon to be) Beautiful (when you finally get around to bathing, shaving and grooming your hair).
As the World Turns (along with us to your blog), many will look to how brave you continue to be…to stomach that clear liquid diet you have now been given for three weeks.
You are our Guiding Light!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting your update earlier today. I will sleep through the night knowing you are making good progress! Also, thanks for your kind words.

xoxoxo to you, Allison, and Max


Anonymous said...

Goodnight, Joe. You'll be in my prayers tonight.

Joe McCambley

PS "Braveheart" was just a movie. Thought someone should tell you that.

Mike said...

You know you're just dying for me to do my Scottish accent for you... aren't you...


May you get FREE soon.
Mike, Stef and Leo.

Anonymous said...

Don't tell Bill that Braveheart was only a movie - I think he feels as strongly for Willy Wallace as you do :) We used to laugh at Glenn who thought the quote was actually 'you can take our WIVES, but you can't take our freedom' (actual word is LIVES)..wait, maybe it was only the girls laughing. Maybe thats yet another reason why the guys thought WW was their hero).
In any case, I feel a bit demanding giving you a 'To Do' while you are in the hospital...but after reading how you haven't done any gargbage, beds (add to this the lawn, Maggie's pooper scooper duty, etc) in a few weeks, I think you are overdo.
SO...if it's at all feasible, here's your chore: I'm sure we'd all love to see some updated pictures: Top3 list:
1. You with beard
2. The legendary blue feet
3. MAX! :)
hope today is low on pain and huge on good news!

plavoukos said...

Problem is you're not watching enough Oprah.
-you go girl

Anonymous said...

You Go Joe! Even I can't make it through 30 minutes of Oprah! As for the tubes...ouch...guess you won't be doing any crunches today :-)
I'm glad to hear that everything is going well now. Hopefully you'll be headed home soon!!


p.s. You're like a reality TV star...even my Mom is hooked on your blog. lol

Mary said...

From your blog I think it is obvious, you have had enough! If you’re watching soaps and Oprah hmm yup, you’ve had enough. It’s time for our Super Hero to movie on to bigger (but easier) adventures. I still tune in at least 3 times a day for all the latest updates. Keep going strong and your still in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Begging you for a picture of that beard! Go on--post it! Give us some visuals! Grey and all--it happens to the best of us. (Not me, of course, to Mista Phil. I think it's manly and handsome, of course-- hee hee.)So glad to hear things are improving...fingers crossed.
AE, Phil, M, L & E